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ROOTED in the Gospel, UNITED in prayer and community,
WE SHARE Franciscan joy, AND SERVE generously.

-- Mission Statement of the Franciscan Sisters of Chicago

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Foundress Day - December 8th

On Sunday, December 8, the Franciscan Sisters of Chicago celebrated their 130th anniversary of the founding of their congregation. It was on that date in 1894 that Josephine Dudzik founded the congregation of the Franciscan Sisters of Blessed Kunegunda (the Franciscan Sisters of Chicago’s original name). To honor the anniversary, the Sisters held a special Mass at Sacred Heart Chapel in Our Lady of Victory Convent. They then had a celebratory dinner with family, friends, and guests.

They Might Be Saints - Mother Mary Theresa Dudzik
An EWTN Documentary  Available on DVD!


The Franciscan Sisters of Chicago are proud to present the They Might Be Saints documentary on foundress Mother Mary Theresa Dudzik's life that aired on EWTN. Produced by Michael O'Neill from the radio show The Miracle Hunter, this program presents interviews and actor reenactments about her life.  There are two versions:  A 30 minute version and an extended 60 minute version.  A DVD is also available to purchase.  


FSC Associate Article - My Attitude is Gratitude 

By Mary Mosser, FSC Associate


At the beginning of his presentation, Fr. Michael Schaab reminded us of the words that are said by the celebrant during the consecration at Mass, “By the mystery of this water and wine, may we come to share in the divinity of Christ who humbled Himself to share in our humanity.”


We are thankful for Jesus’ presence in the Eucharist, and in our lives. To help us cultivate an attitude of gratitude, Fr. Mike walked us through four short reflections which were:1) Reason to Give Thanks, 2) Gratitude is Role Reversal, 3) What Gratitude Looks Like and 4) Praying Our Thanks Strengthens Our Gratitude. First, he explained the topic or the question we were to answer. Then, we were given some quiet time for reflection. When we finished, we had the opportunity to discuss our thoughts in small groups.

Crossroads Newsletter
Newsletter of the Franciscan Sisters of Chicago, Winter 2024 Issue - Now Available! 

Take a tour of
Sacred Heart Chapel in
Our Lady of Victory Convent


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"I realized that it is safest to put all hope in God alone; therefore, in all difficulties, I went to Him for help."

- Venerable Mary Theresa Dudzik, Foundress of the Franciscan Sisters of Chicago

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